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How to Build a Pier in Virginia: Five Things Waterfront Property Owners Need to Know


为什么要建码头?春天来了,夏天快到了, many waterfront property owners have contacted our waterfront law team asking about the legal hurdles involved in constructing or expanding a pier or dock in Virginia.  Having a pier attached to your waterfront property is highly desirable. 它不仅增加了你的房子的财产价值, 但它也可以让你充分利用你的海滨位置.  高品质码头...

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Worker Safety During a Pandemic: Handling Employees’ Fear of Exposure and Employees with COVID-19


(最后更新于4月6日, 2020)The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented challenges for employers.  While many retail establishments and other businesses have voluntarily or involuntarily shut down and many other organizations are allowing employees to work remotely, others are attempting to remain operating at full or reduced capacity.  Those who are maintaining on-site operations may find that some employees refuse to come to work because of...

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我们正生活在前所未有的时代.  许多州都发布了“就地避难”的命令。.   我们的州长已经关闭了所有不必要的业务.  One significant effect of these conditions is the loss of diminution of employment.  As a result, 受法院命令约束的人, may find themselves unable to pay their court ordered support be it spousal or child support.要记住的第一件事是赡养费是由法院决定的...

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What Employers Need to Know about the Families First Coronavirus Response Act


Last week, the President signed into law the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”), the first of what promises to be a number of legislative enactments addressing the current pandemic.  The FFCRA contains three specific laws that small to mid-sized employers should review: Public Health Emergency Leave, 紧急带薪病假法案, 以及带薪病假、带薪家庭和医疗假的税收抵免.  根据指南公布的...

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An Overview of Virginia’s Fraudulent Conveyance Statutes and Case Law


A fraudulent conveyance is one undertaken “with intent to delay, hinder, or defraud creditors”.  Va. Code § 55.1-400.  Case law demonstrates that a court looks at the enumerated badges of fraud similar to a totality of circumstances analysis.  In general, there are many facts and scenarios which the law interprets to be signs of fraud, 由此可以推断出欺诈意图.I. 适用于维吉尼亚州的法律根据维吉尼亚州法律,一种欺诈性的转让...

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Marketing and Job Search Requirements after a Workplace Injury in Virginia


After an injured employee suffers a workplace accident that is deemed compensable under the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Act, the employer is required to provide the injured employee with medical treatment for those compensable injuries.  The employer must pay for the medical treatment that the injured employee receives for the injury.  作为其中的一部分,提供了医疗现金网官网, the injured employee’s treating physician will continually assess and...

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How do I Recover Money Damages If I’ve Been Injured in An Act of International Terrorism?


As tensions between the United States and Iran continue to escalate and ISIS seems to be once again on the rise in Afghanistan, several people have asked me what legal remedies exist for victims of international terrorism and/or their families.  Under current law there are three possible avenues to recover money damages if you or your loved ones have been injured or killed by an act of international terror.起诉“支持恐怖主义的国家”...

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Each January the Virginia General Assembly convenes to consider passing new laws and repealing old ones. Delegates and State Senators meet for six or eight weeks in alternating years with the extra two weeks in years when a budget is voted on. We had a 47-day session this year with sine die (closing day) on February 24. Generally, the new laws become effective on July 1st with exceptions for either immediate or delayed enactment. 3000多张账单...

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Beyond the Non-Disclosure Agreement: How to Protect Your Company’s Confidential Information


My colleague Brent Haden recently posted an insightful article about non-competition covenants. As he noted, such covenants, when properly drafted, can be enforceable.  However, many courts subject non-competes to intense scrutiny because of their effect on competition and limitation on the ability of workers to obtain employment.  Some states, 比如加州和华盛顿, have even gone as far as to refuse to enforce any non-competition agreement....

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Non-Compete Agreements in VA – What Is Enforceable and What You Should Consider


随着我们的社会和劳动力变得更加流动, 竞业禁止契约的存在有所增加.  对于今天的员工和雇主来说,这意味着什么?  In Virginia, covenants not to compete are disfavored and will only be enforced if specific requirements are met.  在弗吉尼亚州强制执行, a non-competition covenant must (i) be narrowly drawn to protect a legitimate business interest, (ii)不会对…造成过度负担...

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